Dana Rongione

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Feeling Like a Failure

Do you ever feel like a failure? Do you ever get the feeling that what you're doing doesn't really matter? Do you ever wonder if all your work is in vain? I do.

My greatest desire in life is to serve the Lord with everything I have. I strive to glorify Him in everything I do, but sometimes that proves more challenging than I would think or hope. Sometimes, Satan comes to me and tells me that I'm wasting my time. “No one reads your stupid blog,” he whispers. “No one cares about your work.” “No publisher will ever accept your sorry excuse for writing.” “If God really wanted you to do this, don't you think the way would be easier? Wouldn't He offer a little more help?”

Satan is a liar! His words sound convincing, and unfortunately, I will sometimes take them to heart. However, his goal is to distract me. If he can get my eyes off the Lord and on myself, he's got it made. If he can convince me that my work is in vain, it's likely that I'll quit. If he can make me feel like I'm on my own, I'll start feeling sorry for myself and start dwelling on all the wrong things. He's sly, but he knows what he's doing.

During these times, I have to remember that God will honor everything I do for Him, as long as I'm acting according to His Word. No, I may not see the book sales I long to see, but I already know that my book has been a blessing to several people. No, I may not reach a large audience, but that doesn't mean I can't minister to those I do reach. God has provided the talent. All He asks is that I use it for His glory. . .not my own. He will take care of the rest.

So, the next time you're feeling discouraged and worthless, remember that Jesus thought we were worth dying for. Now, He wants us to live for Him. Is that too much to ask?

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. - I Corinthians 15:58